James Woods to Antifa Mobs: Banging Down My Door is a Death Wish


Actor James Woods said if an Antifa thug had banged on his front door the way one did to Tucker Carlson’s front door, which had his wife, who was home alone, locking herself in the pantry terrified, it would have been the last act in the “final five seconds” of the attacker’s life.

Fox News reported that a mob descended on Tucker Carlson’s home. The activists posted a message for Carlson to social media, saying, “Each night you remind us that we are not safe. Tonight, we remind you that you are not safe either.”

Outside Carlson’s home, the mob chanted “Racist scumbag, leave town,” and a second chant was even more threatening: “Tucker Carlson, we will fight! We know where you sleep at night!”

The Daily Caller’s Benny Johnson posted video of the mob of activists outside Carlon’s home chanting, “Racist scumbag, leave town.”

Carlson said he is used to being confronted in public and has no interest in playing the role of victim, but he said his wife and his four children should not have to be exposed to the aggression while at home.

“Here’s the problem, I have four children,” he said by phone. “I never thought twice about leaving them home alone, but this is the reaction because this group doesn’t like my TV show.”


Breitbart reports:

Overheard in one video is a woman saying she wished she had brought a “pipe bomb” to Carlson’s house.

Carlson told the far-left Washington Post that the left-wing terrorists “blocked off both ends of his street and carried signs that listed his home address.”

Carlson added, “They weren’t protesting a policy or advocating for legislation. … They were threatening me and my family and telling me to leave my own neighborhood in the city that I grew up in.”

Carlson told Fox News the terrorists “rang his doorbell, broke his oak door” and that his wife “called the police and locked herself into a pantry.”

Despite all of this, Ygelsias admitted he had “no empathy” for Carlson’s wife of 22 years and admitted that “the idea behind terrorizing [Carlson’s] family … is to make them feel some of the fear that the victims of MAGA-inspired violence feel thanks to the non-stop racial incitement coming from Tucker, Trump, etc.”

Thankfully, Carlson’s four children were not at home when Antifa struck, but Yglesias obviously feels Carlson’s entire family, including his children, do not deserve empathy when terrorized.

James Woods responded to the breakage of Carlson’s front door by referencing our right to self-defense, Breitbart reports.

“The attacker who would break down my door would do so during the final five seconds of his life,” he said.

Numerous states have a law called “Castle Doctrine,” which protect a citizen’s right to use lethal force when they feel their lives or the lives of their families in danger while inside their homes.

Activists who kick in doors or otherwise give the impression that they are trying to make entry into someone’s home are playing with fire.


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