Pelosi Downplays Trump’s Positive Jobs Report: ‘Strong Employment Numbers Mean Little’ (Video)


Nancy Pelosi released a statement slamming the jobs report which showed that President Trump’s efforts to strengthen our economy and help the American people was even better than projected. 

Once again, Pelosi insisted that the GOP tax plan helped the rich and did nothing for the middle class despite figures and testimony from American’s stating otherwise.

Despite fears of a global trade war because Trump imposed due tariffs, U.S. unemployment numbers hit an 18-year low in May.

Fox News reports:

Businesses added 223,000 jobs in May, up from 159,000 in April, driving the unemployment rate to 3.8 percent.

For women, unemployment fell to 3.6 percent, the lowest since 1953. For black Americans, it hit a record low of 5.9 percent.

Nancy Pelosi, however, is not impressed.

“May’s jobs report shows that strong employment numbers mean little to the families hit with soaring new costs under the Republicans’ watch,” the House Minority Leader wrote in a statement on Friday.

On “Fox & Friends,” Stuart Varney said Pelosi’s downplaying of the positive unemployment numbers is a sign of desperation.

“The Democrats do not have a growth plan. They don’t have one. So they have to criticize the president’s growth plan because it is working,” Varney said.

Pelosi argued that Republicans’ “cruel, cynical health care sabotage campaign” is spiking families’ premiums by double digits and the “GOP tax scam” is enriching Big Pharma executives and shareholders instead of lowering prescription drug costs for seniors and sick children.

“Democrats know that the American people deserve A Better Deal, with Better Jobs, Better Wages and a Better Future. We are committed to creating millions of new good-paying jobs and raising wages, lowering the soaring cost of living for families and giving every American the tools to succeed in the 21st Century economy,” Pelosi wrote. “Democrats will never stop fighting for the hard-working middle class families who are the backbone of our nation.”

The American people know that the Democrats only message is to impeach President Trump. They have no plan to help the American people – on the contrary, Pelosi stated several times that if they take the House they will not only move to impeach the president on whatever bogus charges they can muster, but they will also repeal the tax plan which will devastate the upward momentum.


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