CEO Who Threatened To ASSASSINATE TRUMP With Sniper Rifle At White House Put On Administrative Leave


Donald Trump’s victory last Tuesday has caused outrage among some Twitter users, as well as angry liberals on Facebook.  Too many have called for the assassination of the president-elect and his vice presidential counterpart, Mike Pence.

Why would Twitter allow the hashtag “ #assasinatetrump” to be posted on the site following the election of Republican nominee Donald Trump to be the the 45th president of the United States?

The CEO of a San Diego California startup company Matt Harrigan, who threatened to assassinate President-elect Donald Trump with a sniper rifle on November 13th, 2016 has been put on administrative leave, and his Facebook page has been deleted.


According to the Gateway Pundit , ,Matt Harrigan is the CEO of PacketSled and Critical Assets is calling for an assassination. Call the police, FBI, and the Secret Service! RIGHT NOW!

Via Reddit The Donald:

Harrigan wants Trump dead.

Harrigan talked about using a sniper rifle.

He tells Trump supporters to “F*ck off!”

Harrigan later posted an apology on Facebook:

My recent Facebook comment was intended to be a joke, in the context of a larger conversation, and only privately shared as such. Anyone who knows me, knows that I do not engage in this form of rhetoric with any level of seriousness and the comment most certainly does not represent my real personal views in any regard. I apologize if anything that I said was either taken seriously, was offensive, or caused any legitimate concern. Best Regards, Matt Harrigan

Correction: Harrigan is not a national board member of the OWASP foundation.

Photo:  Bing


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