David Clarke Blasts Hillary: ‘Your Husband Was the Sexual Predator in the White House!’ (Video)


Hillary Clinton attempted to take the heat off Harvey Weinstein Friday by saying that President Donald Trump was a “sexual assaulter” while dismissing allegations of sexual impropriety against her husband as old news.

Clinton made the comments during an interview with BBC’s Andrew Marr, who asked about the allegations of sexual assault made against Democratic mega-donor and Hollywood producer Weinstein, Fox News reported.

Sheriff David Clarke blasted Hillary Clinton for her response to the Harvey Weinstein scandal, calling her hypocritical in her remarks, Fox News reports.

“She doesn’t care about those women,” the former sheriff of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin told “Fox & Friends” on Saturday.

“Her politics matters more to her, the reputation of her husband, to prop him up in the White House for her future political endeavors was more important to her than these victims.”

Hillary Clinton compared President Trump to disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, whom over two dozen women accused of rape or sexual misconduct.

When asked about her husband Bill Clinton’s accusers, though, Hillary dismissed the claims as already litigated and “clearly in the past.”

“She trashed the reputation of those victims,” Clarke said, adding that he thinks “Crooked Hillary” is a fitting nickname.

“She’s morally bankrupt. Her ethics elevator has no bottom floor, and she will do whatever she has to do to protect herself, her image, and her reputation.”

Women’s groups should come out against Clinton in the wake of this scandal, Clarke continued.

After the Weinstein scandal broke, Clinton took five days to come out against the film producer, who gave almost $50,000 to her presidential campaign


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