How The Obama Admin Used Millions In Taxpayer Funds On Soros’ Political Activities (Video)

Obama Admin

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch obtained 32 documents from the Department of Justice showing that the Obama administration gave millions of U.S. taxpayers’ funds to help fund George Soros’ radical left-wing activities in Albania.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton told Tucker Carlson that Obama sent nearly $9 million to a group called the East-West Management Institute, which he said funds political activities in Albania.

“The money did little other than to empower the socialist government of Albania,” Fitton said.

He said the funds helped co-sponsor surveys that “generated 91 percent of the support for the pro-government, pro-Soros operation that would have restricted the independence of the [Albanian] judiciary.”

According to Judicial Watch, Soros, a Hungarian-American left-wing billionaire, used money to push for “reform” of the Albanian judicial system.

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, elected in 2013, has been the head of the nation’s socialist party for more than a decade.

Fitton said Soros or his related groups are active in Hungary, Guatemala and Colombia.

He said that a “unity effort” exists or existed between the U.S. State Department and Soros’ group.

Fitton called the partnership “a way for the State Department to stick it to the Trump administration.”

He alleged that Soros-connected entities have been allowed to advise on American foreign policy ventures outside Albania as well.

Judicial Watch reported that six lawmakers led by Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) asked then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to conduct a probe into the Soros-Albania matter, Fox News reported.


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