Kaine: ‘Hillary And I Will Not Rest’ Until Gun Reform Is Achieved’ (Video)


Tim Kaine shares the plans he will help Hillary Clinton put into place as her running mate and specifically addresses his work for gun reform after the shooting at Virginia Tech,  MSNBC reported.

If Hillary becomes president implementing more gun control is “at the top of her to-do list.”

The Washington Post sums up the generalities of this gun control focus by reporting that Clinton wants to “to broaden requirements for background checks and narrow loopholes that allow largely unrestricted trafficking of guns online.”

On January 5 Breitbart News reported Obama’s use of executive gun control to expand background checks to certain sales at gun shows and online, to require taxpayer dollars to be spent on the development of “smart guns,” and to put a gun ban in place for Social Security beneficiaries who cannot handle their own financial affairs.

The WAPO makes clear that Clinton plans to exceed these actions, and she plans to do it by circumventing Congress with executive action.

The gun controls proposed by Clinton to date include extending the instant background checks indefinitely by changing the amount of time the FBI has on extended checks, placing more regulations on sales at gun shows and guns sold online, allowing crime victims to sue gun manufacturers and gun sellers, and expanding the definition of domestic violence to include dating relationships–then using that expanded definition to ban individuals from owning guns.

Also, on October 16 Clinton said the Australian gun ban was “worth looking at” for gun policy in the U.S.

Clinton is ready to use executive action to get around any Congressional resistance to these gun controls so Americans better support Donald Trump.


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