Kathy Griffin Attacks Melania Trump: ‘Feckless Complicit Piece of Sh*t’

Kathy Griffin

Following First Lady Melania Trump weighing in on the emotionally charged debate over children being separated from their parents when they arrive at the border claiming asylum, washed up comedian Kathy Griffin attacked the First Lady on Twitter, calling her a “feckless complicit piece of s–t.”

Stephanie Grisham, the First Lady’s spokesperson, released a statement asking Congress to work together to end the legal loophole in immigration law that prevents child border crossers from remaining with their parents in federal detention after illegally crossing into the United States.

“Mrs. Trump hates to see children separated from their families and hopes both sides of the aisle can finally come together to achieve successful immigration reform,” Grisham said.

In response, Kathy Griffin lashed out at the First Lady in what is obviously an attempt to get back into the limelight by jumping on the hate Trump wagon.

“Fu*k you, Melanie,” Griffin wrote. “You know damn well your husband can end this immediately…you feckless complicit piece of shit.”

Twitter users were quick to point out that Barack Obama enforced the same law.


Here is the truth:

Breitbart reports:

Griffin’s comedy career took a downward spin after she posed last year with a faux head of President Trump and held it next to her, bludgeoned, like a member of the Islamic State, as Breitbart News reported at the time.

Following the public backlash from the photo, Griffin blamed Trump for the outrage, saying:

“Trump knows what would be perceived as something hysterical and he loves hysteria. There are millions of people who think I’m a member of ISIS to this day.”

Kathy Griffin was silent when the Obama administration enforced the same policy at the U.S.-Mexico border, where Breitbart Texas exclusively reported on the conditions in which unaccompanied minors were being packed into crowded cells and holding facilities.

Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy is to prosecute all illegal border crossers, including illegal alien adults who cross the border with children, results in border-crossing parents having their children taken into federal custody. This is a loophole known as the Flores Settlement Agreement.

The Republican-controlled Congress and Democrats have yet to come to an agreement to close the legal loophole in order for child border crossers to remain in federal custody with their parents.


  1. THIS coming from a known psychopathic deviant.

    …and the idiot moron who stuck the microphone in front of this pig’s mouths actually considers him/herself a REPORTER? These self-proclaimed ‘journalists’ are nothing more than garbage eaters who dig through trash bins to find some swill to feed to their mentally deficient & unstable followers.

  2. We only have one life to live. How miserable it must be to spend it consumed with so much hatred for another human being. She isn’t at all attractive, she has so little talent and she is the epitome of everything that is vile and disgusting. It seems every time I try to pity her and just move on she does something else that emphasizes how pathetic she really is.

  3. Kathy “the Scumbag” Griffin writes back attacking “Melanie”? Who the hell is Melanie? Is Griffin so confused that she continues to not know what planet she’s on? Perhaps. It would be to our benefit if the disgusting vile troll would reside on another planet, perhaps a lifeless habitat that is better suited to accommodate her lack of a personality and inability of coherent thought!

  4. Tranny Badaduche is spouting garbage at the Trump family again? Big surprise. Keep it up Kathy, you’re probably under investigation as it is. XD I always find it funny when functionally illiterate Hollyweird call our FLOTUS stupid or cowardly when she speaks 5 languages fluently, runs and succeeds at her multi-million dollar business, escaped communist Eastern Europe to come to America and GOT NATURALIZED the right way, and somehow, she’s the loser. Yeah, ok. This the classiest, smartest, and most beautiful FLOTUS we’ve had since Jackie O. And they know it. PS: Kathy is uglier than a cowpile, and she’s showing her highschool meangirl jealously at the superior woman.


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