Military Ready To Confront 1.5 Million UFO Enthusiasts Threatening To Break Into Area 51


The Air Force has issued a stern warning to the 1.5 million people planning to storm Area 51, the top-secret US military base in the Nevada desert to see what many have speculated over the years hides aliens and spacecrafts.

Should everything go according to plan, nearly one million UFO enthusiasts will gather in a remote Nevada town on September 20, in Amargosa Valley, an hour’s drive away from Las Vegas, united by a common goal: raid Area 51 in the wee hours of the morning – using a strength-in-numbers approach to reveal any extraterrestrial treasures stashed within the notoriously clandestine government base.

Or, put more simply, “Lets see them aliens.”

A Facebook event named Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us has become an internet sensation. At the time of writing, 1.5 million users have signed up to attend the event, located in the deserts of Nevada, and another 1.1 million are “interested” in attending.

The organizers said: “We can move faster than their bullets. Let’s see them aliens.”

“Here’s the plan, as per the creator of the event: “We will all meet up at the Area 51 Alien Center tourist attraction and coordinate our entry. If we Naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets. Let’s see them aliens.”

“Naruto run” refers to the main character in the eponymous Naruto anime, as seen below. So, that’s it. After decades of mystery, humanity will Naruto run its way to unravelling alien life.

There is one key factor in all this, the event was meant to be fake, it’s not going to happen.

Regardless, speaking with The Washington Post on Friday afternoon, U.S. Air Force spokeswoman Laura McAndrews said officials were aware of the Facebook event. When asked how authorities might respond to ardent explorers who may attempt to enter Area 51 in September, McAndrews said she could not elaborate on specific plans or security procedures at the base.

She did, however, issue a warning to those itching to try their luck.

“[Area 51] is an open training range for the U.S. Air Force, and we would discourage anyone from trying to come into the area where we train America armed forces,” McAndrews said. “The U.S. Air Force always stands ready to protect America and its assets.”

But she failed to elaborate on specific details around how officials would react to potential intruders.

Area 51 is a highly classified zone around 150 miles from Las Vegas, Nevada, part of the Edwards Air Force Base. No one really knows what the base is used for, though it’s speculated to be for aircraft development, and as such Area 51 has become a source of public intrigue.

For decades, Americans were told Area 51 didn’t exist at all. That notion was officially debunked in 2013 when the CIA confirmed its existence through documents obtained in a public records request by George Washington University.

Yes, Area 51 is definitely real – and even though the report indicated it was nothing more than an aircraft-testing facility and mentioned nothing about extraterrestrial life, the revelation gave credence to conspiracy theories alleging the government uses the base to hide aliens and their spacecraft. The CIA has since published information about test flights that took place there, and the alien aspects in many of those theories have been debunked.

But then in 2017, the Pentagon confirmed the existence of a $22 million government program to analyze “anomalous aerospace threats” – a.k.a. UFOs – giving alien-obsessed kooks fresh fodder for their conjectures.

Even though the facility is not publicly accessible, the area around Area 51 is a popular tourist destination, sprinkled with alien-themed motels, museums and restaurants. (In 1996, Nevada renamed state Route 375 to “Extraterrestrial Highway”) But those who venture too far into the land surrounding the base are greeted with warning signs indicating they could be fined or jailed for trespassing and taking photos.

Some signs suggest those who enter could be subject to “deadly force.”

A tour bus carting four passengers near Area 51 in 2014 inadvertently drove through the warning signs and entered the base, Las Vegas Now reported. The truck was stopped by men in “military garb,” and everyone in the vehicle was threatened with a misdemeanor conviction and $650 fine. The incident was caught on video, making it obvious the tour’s passengers thought it was all part of the experience. Only the driver was charged.

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