Pelosi Defends Delay In Sending Impeachment Articles To Senate, Calls McConnell A ‘Rogue Leader’


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who is probably celebrating for finally managing to get President Trump impeached in the House on Wednesday, has decided to delay sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate, calling Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell a “rogue leader.”

During a rather strange press conference, Pelosi worked hard to shut down any questions reporters asked her about the overall impeachment process. She indicated that the House would send over the articles to the upper chamber, insisting that how the process develops from this point forward is up to the Senate.

Check out the details from Fox News:

“The next thing for us will be when we see the process that is set forth in the Senate, then we’ll know the number of managers that we may have to go forward, and who we would choose,” Pelosi said Thursday.

After an impeachment in the House, the articles are normally sent over to the upper chamber for an impeachment trial, but Pelosi signaled earlier that the House is waiting for the Senate to set out how Trump’s trial will be conducted before they determine next steps, such as designating impeachment managers who will represent them. This prompted outrage from Republicans who worried she would simply refuse to transmit the articles, thus denying Trump the chance at acquittal.

Pelosi made clear Thursday that she is not prepared to name those managers yet “because we don’t know the arena we are in.” As she did Wednesday, Pelosi insisted House Democrats want to see a “fair process” — and she dismissed GOP allegations about what her intentions may be.

“Frankly, I don’t care what the Republicans say,” she said.

Early in the day on Thursday, Sen. Mitch McConnell said that Pelosi is “too afraid” to send over the articles, stating that it looked like the “prosecutors are getting cold feet.”

McConnell also went on the warpath against Pelosi and her Democratic colleagues by saying the whole thing was a “rushed and rigged inquiry.”