Update: Its Worse Than Classified Emails- Political Pedophile Sex Ring Exposed (Video)


According to reports, inside sources are saying that there are members of Congress, as well as several heads from federal agencies, that could be implicated in a massive child trafficking and pedophile sex ring that is associated with the Clinton Foundation.

NYPD detectives were sickened by what they saw, according to our insider, and they have threatened FBI field agents that they would leak this information, if the FBI did not “step up and take off the kids gloves”.  At that point, 13 of the FBI agents in NYC are also threatening to leak the information. 

Dr. Steve Pieczenik , former United States Department of State official explains the Clinton’s connection to Anthony Weiner, Jeff Epstein’s “Lolita Express,” and more.

Anon News ,reported an FBI source has confirmed that evidence has emerged from the Clinton email investigation that a massive child trafficking and pedophile sex ring operates in Washington.


According to reports, at least 6 members of Congress and several leaders from federal agencies are implicated in the pedophile ring, which they say was run directly with the Clinton Foundation as a front.

According to an NYPD source, emails found on Anthony Weiner’s laptop detail trips made by Weiner, Bill and Hillary Clinton on convicted pedophile pal billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s plane ‘Lolitta express‘ to a place known as “Sex Slave Island“.


An archived thread on 4chan in which an FBI insider originally hinted that the Clinton email server investigation was merely a distraction from the more sinister Clinton Foundation and its connection to pedophilia:

Are the people leading the investigation blackmailed pedophiles?


> The people under the magnifying glass do have an affinity for children.

Please before you sleep speak a little on the child prostitution ring.

Sex rings are popular in all governments, but pedophilia is primarily in British parliament & Saudi Arabia, and that’s why HRC and BC love foreign donors so much. They get paid in children as well as money. Dig deep and you can find it. It will sicken you.


Photo:  Bing


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