VA Cuts More Veteran Benefits – Spends MILLIONS On ‘Cosmetics’ [Video]


The Veterans Administrators is more interested in beautifying their workplaces than caring for our nations veterans. 

In what is turning into the latest fight over VA spending while neglecting the needs of our nations veterans, this month Congress is questioning the overwhelmed and understaffed Department of Veterans Affairs for spending millions on frivolous artwork on its hospital campuses.


“Aggregate” by Phillip K. Smith is in the courtyard of the Mental Health Center. The $1,290,270 price tag included $482,960 for the sculpture and $807,310 for site preparation. (Courtesy of the office of Rep. Jeff Miller)

The Washington Times reported:

It is part of a renovated $1.3 million courtyard. There is an art installation on the side of a parking garage that displays quotations by Abraham Lincoln and Eleanor Roosevelt in Morse code, at a cost of $285,000. It lights up (see picture below).

Altogether, VA Palo Alto Health Care System has spent at least $6.3 million on art and consulting services. The costs come to $4,190,356 at the Palo Alto Medical Center, $1,879,521 at the Monterey Health Care Center, and $280,000 in other budgeted projects.


They deem this monstrosity ‘art,’ I call it a waste of taxpayer money that belongs to our nations veterans. 

There is a long history of the federal government spending millions on art at federal buildings. The GSA Art in Architecture Program oversees the commissioning of artworks for new federal buildings nationwide.

Its website says that ‘‘these artworks enhance the civic meaning of federal architecture and showcase the vibrancy of American visual arts. Together, the art and architecture of federal buildings create a lasting cultural legacy for the people of the United States.’’


The Veterans Administration has faced the largest scandal in its history over the unnecessary wait times for veterans seeking urgent care for post-traumatic stress, cancer, and other health concerns. Many veterans have died waiting for care, and from malpractice.

Veterans are dying, and they are spending MILLIONS of taxpayer funds on the ‘meaning of federal architecture,’ that money belongs to our nations veterans, not on art exhibits.

Not surprisingly, the VA did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the misappropriation of funds.

Congressman Jeff Miller (R-FL), Chairman of the House Committee on Veterans Affairs’, speaking on the House floor highlighting excessive and wasteful spending at VA facilities. (October 1, 2015)


  1. Here at the Portland Oregon (PDX) Veterans Medical Center (VAMC) they put in this nice garden area that was closed off for years, and they failed to make it wheelchair accessible. Which by the way is an on going issues with the PDX VAMC, the mentality of this VAMC is that only the non wheelchair Veterans should have access.

    Thank you for posting this I can now email a Congressman that may do something about the issues here in the PDX VAMC

    • Write to Congressman Jeff Miller (R-FL), he is speaking in the video clip I provided. Even if he is not your Congressman, he will appreciate the support, and encouragement to relentlessly pursue this criminal activity, and that is exactly what it is, criminal, on a nationwide scale, and Barack Obama does nothing about it!

      I found a group on Facebook that you may like, I’ve referred a few Vets to the group and they found comradery there with other Vets who share VA center issues.

      The groups name is ‘VA IS LYING’ simple, yet accurate lol
      Here is the link:

      I wish you well. Please know that the American people appreciate your service to our country even if our government does not.

      I own Facebook page ‘Prepare to Take America Back,’ please check us out.


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