WATCH: Eric Trump Warns of More Voting Fraud Discoveries “This is just the beginning” After Dominion Whistleblowers Allegedly Come Forward


President Trump’s son Eric Trump tweeted out a warning about the voter fraud investigation saying: “This is just the beginning.”

More whistleblowers have come forward to testify to the voter fraud in the 2020 election:

Whistleblowers are coming out of the woodwork:

If anyone thought President Trump or members of his campaign would be willing to walk away from multiple credible allegations of voter fraud or voter irregularities so that “Logan Act” Joe Biden could have a smooth transition into the White House, they were dead wrong.

Washington Times – President Trump’s campaign filed a lawsuit Tuesday against the Michigan secretary of state and Wayne County, arguing the officials violated the Constitution by treating Republican poll observers differently than Democrats.

Matt Morgan, the campaign’s general counsel, told reporters that election officials did not allow Republican poll observers to review mail-in ballots with Democratic poll observers, which is a violation of state law. He also said they were harassed.

Mr. Morgan claimed the different treatment is a violation of the Equal Protection Clause.

The federal lawsuit, which was filed Tuesday night in the Western District of Michigan, details a number of concerns in Wayne County, where the city of Detroit is located.

The filing includes more than 100 affidavits detailing election irregularities in the county, where there are reports of multiple ballots being cast by individuals and ballots being run through the machines a number of times.

“It was pervasive,” said Thor Hearne, counsel to the campaign.

The lawyers are asking the court to not certify Michigan’s results until they can ensure all ballots were cast legally and also inspect software from Dominion Voting System, which reportedly counted 6,000 ballots that were meant for Republicans for Democratic candidates in Antrim County.

Only moments ago, Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani dropped a massive bombshell related to the Trump campaign’s investigation into voter fraud during an interview on Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast.

Bannon mentioned that MI Attorney David Kallman, of the Great Lakes Justice Center, would be his next guest on the show. He asked Giuliani if the lawsuit filed by the Trump campaign is a combination of David Kallman’s case and Trump campaign counsel, Thor Hearne’s evidence.

“Correct,” Rudy answered, adding, “And they both have superior information.” Giuliani explained, “Thor has the part of it with the government insiders—who basically are turning, let’s call it state’s evidence,” he said. “They are Democrats who are testifying against the Democratic effort because they are so disgusted. That’s basically Thor’s, uh, people,”

Giuliani explained. “Kallman has the community people, and he’s got the Dominion people, and they were the ones who were the actual, not the poll workers, but the observers. They were excluded and lied to,” Rudy said, adding, “Two of whom stayed behind after all the Republicans were left out, and they’re the ones who have the evidence on the 100,000 votes coming in—and they have some photographs also.” Rudy continued, “You put those two together, and you have some very powerful evidence that the Cobb [Cobo] Center [the TCF Center was formerly known as Cobo Hall], that it was a let’s make up the vote room— How much do we have to make up and let’s get there.”

Dominion is the vote tabulation software with a “glitch” that gave thousands of votes to Joe Biden and was used in 30 states. The failure to correctly count the vote via the software system has morphed into a potentially big problem. Also, there are questions of whether the so-called “glitch” was intentional or a failure of the system.

Testimony from whistleblowers associated with Dominion could be gigantic!


Former federal prosecutor and General Flynn attorney Sydney Powell explained to Lou Dobbs why Americans should be suspicious of Dominion vote tabulation software “glitches” that she says needs to be investigated. Powell claimed the it’s very likely that 3% of the vote total was changed digitally.


As the media works overtime to discredit the former mayor’s claims of voter fraud, remember that in February 1985, while working as a federal prosecutor, Rudy Giuliani was the mastermind behind the indictment of 11 Mafia leaders, including the heads of New York’s five dominant crime families.

This article was written by Leisa Audette at 100 Percent FED Up and was republished with permission.


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