Prof. Blames Whites For PMS Attributes Menstrual Disorder To White “Microaggressions”


Zandria Robinson, the racist professor who Tweeted that Dylann Roof, the Charleston shooter was not mentally ill, but was just another example of “white people acting how they’re conditioned to act,” is now blaming whites for her PMS.  

Can you imagine the media outrage if a white professor described the ensuing rioting in the same context about blacks. 


Robinson, the professor who recently departed from the University of Memphis and had described “whiteness” as synonymous with “terror,” had even more tweets resurface last week in which she blames whites for every lethal riot in U.S. history, blasts Dick and Jane stories for being “heteropatriarchal,” and even attributes her menstrual disorder to white “microaggressions.”

In June, she suggested that the Charleston shooter was not mentally ill, but was just another example of “white people acting how they’re conditioned to act.


Robinson also posted a tweet on June 26 saying that “Whiteness is most certainly and inevitably terror.” The offending tweet has since been deleted. 


DC Clothesline reported:

Since then, some of Robinson’s old tweets have surfaced, in which she blames whites for every lethal riot in U.S. history, blasts Dick and Jane stories for being “heteropatriarchal,” and even attributes her menstrual disorder to white “microaggressions.”

In one particularly strange pair of tweets made in March 2015, Robinson admitted to having severe premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), a condition characterized by emotional and mood problems. Due to her

difficulty treating it, Robinson theorized her menstrual mood swings may be caused by white people instead of her body’s hormonal fluctuations.

Here are 2 screenshots of her tweets that she has since deleted from her account, but not before Campus Reform captured them.


Robinson’s new colleagues at Rhodes College are ecstatic over her joining them. Dr. Charles McKinney, the Chair of Africana studies at Rhodes, praised Robinson as the “future of African-American studies, of Southern studies,” and denounced her critics as “hard-right, anti-academic” racists.

She had this to say about the Confederate flag.


Photos courtesy of Google


  1. This woman needs to seek a mental health facility. She has more problems than just PMDD. If she is terrorized by seeing white people she should be hospitalized. I will say a prayer for her recovery.

  2. I am sick and tired of “Black Privilege and Entitlement”…a white professor saying this crap about Blacks would have been fired and likely would never teach again….Here is your double wsstandard…Fire this btch


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