8-Year-Old Suspended For Saying ‘Merry Christmas’ To Teacher


8 year old Samantha Dawson from San Fransisco California was suspended from school simply for saying, “Merry Christmas”.


CBS News Reports:

San Francisco, CA — The ‘war on Christmas’ continues as a simple well-wishing of ‘Merry Christmas’ has led to big trouble for one third-grade San Francisco girl this week.

Samantha Dawson, an 8-year-old student at Westview Elementary School in San Francisco, CA., was in the school cafeteria Tuesday eating with friends when she was taken to the principal’s office and given a week-long suspension. Her punishment was consequence for saying ‘Merry Christmas’ to her homeroom teacher earlier that day.

Dawson’s teacher, 37-year-old Paul Horner who is an outspoken Atheist, was offended at the students display of Christmas spirit and had staff suspend the young girl for the rest of the week.

“I say ‘Merry Christmas’ to everyone,” the young girl told CBS News. “I didn’t think it would cause so much trouble just for saying a couple little words.”

The girl’s mother, Laura Dawson, 41, was fuming over the issue.

“You don’t traumatize a child who loves to go to school, who wanted to be early every day to school, you don’t make her cry, just for wishing someone Merry Christmas,” she told reporters, holding back tears. “You just don’t do it.”

Reporters spoke with Mr. Horner as he was leaving from school yesterday.

“I warned the children not to bring religion into my classroom,” Horner said. “Maybe Samantha will listen to adults next time.”

At the time of this press release, Westview Elementary School officials declined to comment, though this was posted on the school’s website:

Once again we had to suspend a student, 3rd grader Samantha Dawson, because she said “Merry Christmas” to her homeroom teacher, who is a proud atheist.

PLEASE, lets learn from this horrible act and not let the the holiday spirit be ruined by the few that confuse church and state.

Happy Holidays everyone!!!

Photo:  Bing


  1. “Reporters spoke with Mr. Horner as he was leaving from school yesterday.
    “I warned the children not to bring religion into my classroom,” Horner said. “Maybe Samantha will listen to adults next time.”

    At the time of this press release, Westview Elementary School officials declined to comment, though this was posted on the school’s website:
    “Once again we had to suspend a student, 3rd grader Samantha Dawson, because she said “Merry Christmas” to her homeroom teacher, who is a proud atheist.
    PLEASE, lets learn from this horrible act and not let the the holiday spirit be ruined by the few that confuse church and state.
    Happy Holidays everyone!!!”
    Are you KIDDING me?! This was an 8 year old little girl, NOT A GROWN-UP! Yet, this “proud Atheist” states he “WARNED” the children to not bring religion into his class!? WARNED THIRD GRADERS??!!


    Heck, this little girl wasn’t yelling “FIRE!” in a movie theater. All she did was say something that many of us find natural to say to others at Christmas Time when we’re entering or exiting a place.

    AND let’s not overlook the FACT that this school is obviously being run by “educated imbeciles” who don’t have a clue that 8 year old children are not to be held to the same standard as a grown-up is held to!

    If this was my child, I’d yank her out of that school immediately and start HOMESCHOOLING her! And I’d also be getting the heck out of San Francisco altogether.

  2. This is the lunacy that our society is embracing. WTF? This teacher…a “PROUD” outspoken Atheist…sounds to me like this ‘teacher’ brings his anti-religion to school. I am sick and tired of people behaving badly. He has a right to his beliefs and that little child had a right to wish him happiness that was in her heart. AND THEN, the school publishes the BS they wrote? Are you kidding me? Did this REALLY happen? WOW! WHEN are Americans going to stand up to this BS and say ENOUGH?!?! Last I looked we had freedom of speech. We also were all born with common sense, many no longer utilize it. This “adult” could have let this whole thing go. But no, he wanted to make a case for his non-religion – and use a little girl as his scapegoat. What a COWARD! Does he have children suspended because they believe in unicorns and faeries? NO….because he knows that those are NOT real…but God is.

    • Its on their website. Look it up. They are very proud of themselves for this action against this little girl. The teacher involved is even the “teacher of the year” and they mention that Jesus freaks have been criticizing him.

  3. So I followed the story back to the school. I think this is a “setup” story. Look at the other “posts” by the school. Anti-masturbation dolphin? And this quote on their “teachers” page: “Also, don’t waste our time with your baww stories like, “Oh little Timmy forgot his inhaler at home and might die.” It’s stuff like this that will toughen your kid up. By not acknowledging little Timmy, it will only make him and his lungs stronger, and soon he won’t need that inhaler. Or he’ll die, but at least you tried. Go Bulldogs!” Also, notice the school website ends in .com. http://westviewelementaryschool.com/

    I think the media has been duped. Even the CBS News website is a fake news site. Sorry y’all, this was a setup.

  4. Just a bunch of pig sh*ts would do this to a loving child! I wish the evil bastards broken legs for a Merry Christmas present! Yeah, I’m that pissed off right now!

  5. Also, don’t waste our time with your baww stories like, “Oh little Timmy forgot his inhaler at home and might die.” It’s stuff like this that will toughen your kid up. By not acknowledging little Timmy, it will only make him and his lungs stronger, and soon he won’t need that inhaler. Or he’ll die, but at least you tried. Go Bulldogs! Come on. It’s OBVIOUSLY FAKE!

  6. Fact check time.
    Here is the same story in reverse. http://newsexaminer.net/education/school-fires-teacher-saying-merry-christmas/
    Next did a google street view of the address provided on the “school’s” website. It is amoeba music. Next the area code is to Phoenix Arizona.
    The “schools” previous months news letters links do not work.
    The “teacher” has a gmail account for email provided in the teacher log, where as everyone else has a school directory.
    Lastly the Website didn’t not come into existence till 27NOV2015.
    Total time to figure this all out – 5min.

    • The CBS link is fake (CBS is supposedly where “truthuncensored” got the “story”) Click on the story author’s name to look at his other “stories” and you’ll see how phony this is (well, you’ll see if you aren’t a gullible sheep)
      The school link is fake…public school URLS don’t end in dot com (.com)
      How can so many people be so gullible?! I would be willing to bet that the people who fell for this are the same people who distrust “mainstream media” (or as they prefer to say, “lamestream media”) Time for a shopping spree down at the local ClueMart, Sheeple
      I’ll apologize when this case goes to the Subpreme Court…don’t hold your breath

  7. There is zero truth, censored or otherwise, here. It’s 100% fiction, right down to the extensive, though unsophisticated “school website”. That Guy is right. By the way, That Guy, the photo of the atheist is comic Jerry Messing (Freaks and Geeks, Addams Family, etc.) aka fedora hat tip guy.

  8. This atheist teacher is ignorant of the Constitution and so is the Administration in the school district. Religion is the very basic fabric of our founding and to deny it shows complete and total ignorance of American History……..the Bill of rights and Free Speech.
    This POS has no right to silence the student’s views that are legitimate and honorable and in a spirit of good will.
    He is obviously uncomfortable with his moral core and insecure as an adult, much less a teacher.
    If anyone should have been taken to task it should have been this teacher for showing a callous, insensitive, ignorance of this student’s rights and good will!
    Westview Elementary School in San Fran.
    + Paul Horner = EPIC FAIL!!!!

  9. Stop! I too got caught up in this. This a fake school website put out by a music store in San Francisco. I am angry. They sold out both the teaching profession and San Francisco while attacking Christians. These guys need a good rap on the knuckles.


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