Reporter Says Four-Star General is a ‘Coward’ for “Remaining Silent” About Trump Impeachment


Former Secretary of Defense James Mattis is a Marine Corps legend who served his country in three wars and has a military record that has earned him respect from all branches of the military.

Mattis resigned his position at the White House over differences with President Trump, but he has stayed true and loyal to the county he devoted his life serving, and that includes respecting the office of the President.

Soledad O’Brien, a CNN contributor felt is was appropriate to label the four-star General a coward for not speaking out about the impeachment inquiry the Democrats started against Trump.

As if to say that every person associated with the president should weigh in, or more so pick a side – are you for impeaching the president, or are you a deplorable, some in the media are demanding you speak out against President Trump.

What possible rationale does Mattis have now for remaining silent?


As expected when someone attacks General Mattis, the reporter was lambasted for questioning his honor.

I’ve seen some foolish responses from the media on Twitter, but yours hands down tops them all.
To suggest a 3 war Marine Corps General is a coward is sheer idiocy.
Congrats @soledadobrien!

Yes, Soledad. General James Mattis is a “coward.” He got these awards and military decorations out of a gum ball machine.

You are called Mattis a coward? Maybe read up on his bio.

Perhaps unlike you he doesn’t make things up when he has nothing to say.

It’s called PROFESSIONALISM! Give it a try!

From Baptist Standard:

Mattis, former U.S. Secretary of Defense, spoke at Dallas Baptist University about his new book, the need for leadership and the importance of civility in today’s culture.

“We need more friendliness in this country,” Mattis said.

Working in conjunction with the DMA Arts and Letters Live Series and the World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth, DBU’s Institute for Global Engagement presented “An Evening with General Mattis.”

H/T: Twitchy