Ferguson Protesters Label Roasted Pig, ‘Darren Wilson,’ Eat Head Outside Police Station


Pig’s head used in Ferguson anniversary protest.

Protesters took a dead pig to Ferguson Police Department, Saturday and dressed it in a police officer’s uniform so as to represent Darren Wilson, the officer who shot  18-year-old Michael Brown on August 9, 2014.



Breitbart reported:

FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) — Ferguson protesters are using a roasted pig’s head during a demonstration marking the eve of the one-year anniversary of Michael Brown’s shooting death.

After a peaceful march during the day, hundreds of protesters converged outside the police department after 10 p.m. They carved and ate from the pig’s head, which was placed on a concrete barrier near the building. Earlier in the day, someone had scrawled the name “Darren Wilson” on the side of the animal.


Photo Courtesy of Bing




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